MARVEL AGE #1 SPECIALSIGNED STAN LEE McFARLANENICIEZAHAMATHOMASPREVIEWCOASPIDER-MAN. Published by Marvel Comics in 1990. This comic is in Very Good/Fine condition. This issue is signed by TODD McFARLANE (with cover spider sketch), STAN LEE, KEVIN MacGUIRE, LARRY HAMA, JIM SALICRUP, JOE RUBINSTEIN, AL MILGROM, ROY THOMAS, BOB McLEOD, BOB WIACEK and FABIAN NICIEZA! WOW, that's 11 creators!
Signed at the Big Apple Comic Con and New York Comic Con. This is a special issue highlighting the new titles for 1990. It pre-dates the publication of Spider-Man #1!
If you are a devoted fan or serious collector of superstar comic creators (11), this signed Special Preview Edition is a must for your collection! All sales are final and not contingent on 3.